dimecres, 29 de gener del 2014

A terrible misunderstanding

One day, I was walking around Liverpool and I saw two men who were looking at me. First of all I thought they disn't want anything about me and I tirned left in the street. When was in the middle of the passage, I looked back and I saw the same men looking at me. I started walking faster and I turned into a street, the two mencontinued walking in my direction. I started running and I left the two men. I breathed deeply. I crossed the square which was in front of me and when I was in the middle, the two men pushed me to the ground, they put the handcoffs to me. I started to complain but they didn't listen to me. I turned my face to see them and when they saw who I was, started to apologize. 

It had all been a terrible missunderstanding.

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