dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014


My school is relaxed about the clothes we can wear and other kind of accessories.  Since 2009 I am going in Castelló d’Empúries and the rules didn’t change.

All kinds of clothes are available to wear at school for example everything can wear dresses, short skirts, tracksuits, T-shirts, shirts… There are no rules about girl’s make-up, about strange hairstyle or jewellery. The only accessory that is not allowed to wear at our school is a cap or a hat.

If I could make the rules for a school I would be very strict about the clothes of girls or boys. For example they must wear clean and tidy clothes, and they must wear deodorant, I don’t like bad smells. They shouldn’t have strange colours of dying and Mohican is not allowed too. Normal jewellery would be allowed for boys and girls but not too big and not too much make-up for girls.
I usually wear jeans and T-shirt to school and a jacket in winter. I think my clothes are normal to wear at school and appropriate.

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